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More food and kitchen ponderings

The yellow pantry was my mother-in-laws.
She had it in the basement storing laundry items!

I had to stop by the grocery store this morning for just a few items. Since next week will include a "stock up" day, I didn't need a lot. Still... I decided to wander through the store a bit and see if there were any items on sale which I will need soon. The prices continue to shock me and I am very happy for those lean years when I had almost nothing to spend on groceries. Skills which are being used again...

I'm not only having to stretch the grocery money even more but I have once again started to deepen the pantry. I'll share some of those experiences and lessons off and on. One thing we've already done is to make a return to "cheaper" coffee and to use 2% milk instead of real cream. I expect that is better for our health, anyway.

I'm "tweaking" my stock up list this afternoon. It's basically like our "priority spending" list. I'll decide two or three items to add to my regular grocery shopping list next week and then mark the date with a permanent marker and store them in a safe place. Once I have the number of items I want to have on hand, I'll start rotating... continuing to mark the date when purchased but placing the newly purchased item in the back and opening the "oldest" one on the shelf.

I thought you might like a few pictures from my kitchen. These are repeats for you all that have been reading for awhile. These were not taken all at once so there are a few changes. Hmmm... reminds me of one of those "which of these pictures are not like the other" puzzles! :)

I love the vintage yellow cart. It had some minor pieces missing when I bought it at Goodwill. My husband had the correct size of nuts and bolts in the garage and was able to fix it quite fast.

The red bookcase was beside my husband's bed in his childhood bedroom. The bread machine and the bread box are both white but they have "coordinating" Susan Branch scrapbooking stickers.... so cute.

What can I say about the stove? It still works. It came with the house so I don't owe any money for it. I can call it an antique... or at least vintage. It was probably brand new the same decade I was married. Like I said... it works.

Kitchen still life... a very good thing.

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