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Hard Candy Meteor-Eyes Baked Eyeshadow Intergalactic photos, swatches and EOTD

One of my recent purchases was another of Hard Candy's glitter baked eyeshadow. I eyed this one for a while before buying it. I wasn't sure if it would be too warm but it's actually not at all.

The base color is a blackened taupey brown with a neutral to cool undertone. There is bright copper shimmer laced through it that adds a really interesting contrast to the color, making it more complex and unique.

EOTD wearing intergalactic:

- MAC bare canvas paint
- HC intergalactic baked eyeshadow
- Marcelle taupe eyeliner
- NARS all about eve duo

This is a nice color to use for a smoky eye when you don't want to use gray or black. The shimmer shows up a lot more when used wet, it's totally stunning. I am so in love with this line, well the blushes, eyeshadows and lipsticks at least.
Have you tried anything from Hard Candy recently?

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