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Review: Plantae Bitter Orange Blossom Spritz and Sea Buckthorn Berry Night Cream

I've already spoken a bit about Plantae, so I won't go into brand details. You can read it here. I love their Rose Hip + Fruit Seed Serum. It's the best thing for dry skin or colder months in general. This time, I've been trying out their spritz and night cream. 

Plantae Bitter Orange Blossom Spritz

It's from their Flower Power range which should balance and brighten normal or combination skin. It comes in a plastic white bottle with a spritz top. In it is 100 grams of product and it costs 22.14€ here

Spritz produces good amount of mist, which is quite fine. It definitely wets your face. I usually use two to three spritzes for the whole face. There's just something about this spray version of toner that I love. It's that first refreshing boost after you've taken off makeup or would like to apply some on.  

Key ingredients are grape seed extract which is a superfruit and potent antioxidant. It should make skin firmer and hydrated due to its extremely high polyphenol antioxidant activity. In it is also bitter orange flower oil which is detoxifying, refining and regenerative. Other two main ingredients are also mandarin peel and lemon balm

As I've already mention, I love the refreshing zesty citrus refreshment that this gives to my skin. I use it as a toner after I cleanse my skin or before I put any skin care on. It has lovely citrus, but also bitter, scent to it. Almost smells like when you're peeling off grapefruit or lemon. 

I like to use it with thicker creams, because the wetness of it helps me to spread on creams. It soaks into the skin quickly and doesn't leave behind any layer. You do slightly feel like you have something on top which I like. Sometimes, my skin can feel a bit dry after washing it, so I use this as a first product to return some moisture back into the skin. I can't notice any major nourishment or moisturizing effect, but it feels light on the skin and the skin doesn't feel like it's tightening.

I've been using it a lot while being on sun and I've noticed that the skin didn't get darker spots. I wouldn't say it's brightening, but it definitely prevents additional hyper pigmentation which I sometimes worsen on holiday. 

It's suitable for normal to combination skin, as it says. It's not for dry skin, because it's not moisturizing enough. 

Plantae Sea Buckthorn Berry Night Cream

Night cream is from their Berry Bliss range which means it's suitable for dry or damaged skin and it should renew and replenish the skin. It comes also in a plastic white bottle with a pump top. In it is 50 grams of product and it costs 43.29€ here (currently on sale for 34.64€).

Pump works good and you can really control the amount of product from tiniest amount possible to a whole pump. I usually use a pump and a half for my whole face and neck. The only problem is that small amount of product that stays in the end of pump and dries up. It's wasting a bit of product

It contains organic anti-aging plant complex for exceptional circulatory and anti-aging properties to promote smoother and healthier skin. Main ingredient is organic sea buckthorn berry which is an enriched plant source of natural vitamin C and omega 7 and it promotes skin elasticity and hydration. Another main ingredient is rosehip fruit which is a rich source of omega 5, 6 and 9  and beta-carotene and lycopene antioxidants to help protect skin from premature aging. Some other ingredients are also  evening primrose oil, borage, auvergne pine bark, blackcurrant leaf and damask rose otto oil

It's a nourishing, restorative cream that should stimulate cell turnover and tissue repair

It has a firm texture, but is not thick. It feels very lightweight and it has a smooth buttery consistency. In some ways it feels water based, but it also has some greasiness to it. It goes on light yellow and you need to massage it into the skin. It leaves behind light layer of oiliness which feels lovely because it soothes the skin and really sticks to it. It can feel a bit sticky even after it soaks in. 

It's a night cream and I love the greasy layer of it, because it means it will stay on the skin for longer. It's not heavy or very rich, so it's more suitable for combination to normal skin, maybe even lightly dry. If you're skin is too dry, this won't be enough on its own. I have a combination skin and it was perfect for warmer months, but it's not rich enough for colder months. I usually combine it with their serum, which is more of an oil, and it works great together. 

It has a specific strong natural and herbal scent. Some might hate it, but I've gotten used to it. 

In the morning my skin feels nourished and looks plumped. It's not greasy, but just looks normal and well hydrated. As for the renewing claims goes, I think it definitely helps with renewing skin's surface a little, but if you have major pimples that you've picked, this on it's own won't be enough. For that I would highly recommend you the serum, which really helps with that.

I don't expect much from toners. Usually they're my first boost of moisture and this one also feels really refreshing, It's actually perfect for the summer. It restores ph balance and prepares skin for other products. Night cream is lovely and feels very soothing on the skin. It's lightweight, but still has some oiliness to it which keeps skin hydrated and nourished. It works great for normal to combination skin. For dry skin, combine all of these with their serum and you have a winning combination. 

In case you decide to purchase anything from their site, you can use my code adjustingbeauty and you'll get 10% off your order here

Katja also reviewed this cream here, so you can get a second opinion on her blog. 

*PR product

Nekaj sem že govorila o Plantae na mojem blogu. Več si lahko preberete tukaj. Obožujem njihov Serum iz plodov in semen šipka. Je odličen izdelek za suho kožo, še posebej primeren za hladne mesece v letu. Tokrat sem preizkušala tonik in nočno kremo.

Plantae Pršilo-tonik iz cvetov grenke oranže

Je iz njihove Flower Power linije, ki naj bi uravnotežila normalno in kombinirano kožo. Izdelek je v beli plastični embalaži s pršilom. V embalaži je 100 gramov izdelka in cena je 22.14€ tukaj

Pršilo prši fino meglico in ravno dovolj izdelka. Vsekakor zmoči obraz. Po navadi uporabim dva do tri pritiske za ves obraz. Všeč so mi toniki s pršili, ker so tako enostavni za uporabo. Takoj dodajo osvežitev pusti koži. Po navadi po umivanju obraza ali pred uporabo drugih izdelkov za nego. 

Ena izmed glavnih sestavin je izvleček iz grozdnih pešk, ki je vodotopni in močan oksidant. Zagovatlja izjemno učvrstitev kože in vlaži zaradi antioksidantnega delovanja izredno močnih polifenolov. Druga glavna sestavina je olje cvetov grenke oranže, ki deluje raztrupljajoče, prečiščevalno in regenerira kožo. Vsebuje tudi mandarino in limono.

Kot sem že prej omenila, tonik da koži osvežitev s citrusi. Uporabljam ga kot tonik in sicer po čiščenju kože in pred nanosom drugih izdelkov za nego. Ima citrusni vonj, ki pa je tudi rahlo grenak. Diši skoraj kot takrat, ko si lupite grenivko ali limono. 

Rada ga uporabljam kot podlago pred zelo težkimi kremami, ker se te potem lažje razmažejo. Se hitro vpije v kožo in ne pusti za sabo očitnega sloja. Vsekakor se čuti, da je nekaj na obrazu. Včasih je moja koža po čiščenju precej suha in ta tonik vrne izgubljeno vlažnost. Ne opazim nekega izredno hranilnega učinka ali navlaženosti. Na obrazu je zelo lahek in poskrbi, da se koža ne počuti zategnjeno. 

Uporabljala sem ga tudi med tem, ko sem bila veliko na soncu. Po mojih izkušnjah ne odstranjuje pigmentnih madežev, jih pa preprečuje. Meni določeni deli kože na obrazu potemnijo na počitnicah, tokrat pa tega nisem opazila. 

Primeren je za normalno do mešano kožo, kot piše. Vsekakor ni za suho kožo, ker ne bo zagotovil dovolj vlažnosti. 

Plantae Nočna krema z rakitovcem

Nočna krema je iz linije Berry Bliss in je primerna za suho in poškodovano kožo. Izdelki iz te linije naj bi obnovili in nahranili kožo. Krema je v plastični beli embalaži z pumpico. V embalaži je 50 gramov izdelka in stane 43.29€ tukaj (trenutno je znižana na 34.64€).

Pumpica z lahkoto kontrolira želeno količino izdelka. Lahko iztisnemo zelo malo. Sama po navadi uporabim eno in pol pumpico za celoten obraz in vrat. Problem povzroča količina izdelka, ki ostane v pumpici in se posuši. S tem nepotrebno zapravimo nekaj izdelka. 

Ena izmed glavnih sestavin so organski plodovi rakitovca, ki so obogateni rastlinski viri naravnega vitamina C in omega 7. Spodbujajo elastičnost kože in jo vlažijo. Druga glavna sestavina so organski plodovi šipka, ki so bogat vir antioksidantov, kot so omega 3, 6 in 9, beta-karotena in likopena. Ščitijo kožo pred prezgodnjim staranjem. Vsebuje tudi svetlinovo olje, olje boreča, lubje bora, črni ribez in eterično olje vrtnice, ki obnavljajo in vlažijo kožo. 

Ima čvrsto teksturo, ki pa ni gosta. Daje precej lahkoten občutek in je gladke maslene teksture. Ima unikatno mešanico lahkotne vodne teskture in dodatka nečesa mastnega. Je svetlo rumene barve. Kremo je potrebno dobro vmasirati v kožo. Na koži pusti rahlo oljnat sloj, ki deluje pomirjujoče in se dobro oprime kože. Tudi po nanosu je še vedno rahlo lepljiva. 

Ker gre za nočno kremo mi je izredno všeč ta rahlo masten občutek na koži. Zaradi tega se dlje časa obdrži na koži. Ni težka ali preveč bogata, zato je primerna predvsem za mešano do normalno kožo, ali rahlo suho. Če imate zelo suho kožo, sama krema ne bo dovolj za vlaženje. Sama imam mešano kožo in mi je bila krema odlična za toplejše mesece. Za hladnejši del leta pa bo sama po sebi premalo. Po navadi jo kombiniram s serumom, ki je bolj kot ne olje, in skupaj delujeta odlično. 

Ima precej specifičen močan naraven, skoraj zeliščen, vonj. Nekateri ga bodo sovražili. Sama sem se nanj že navadila. 

Zjutraj je moja koža nahranjena in izgleda navlažena. Ni mastna, ampak dobro navlažena in zdravo sijoča. Glede obnovitvenih zmogljivosti lahko rečem, da vsekakor obnavlja površino kože. Če pa imate veliko iztiskanih mozoljev, vam jih čez noč ne bo zacelila. Za to bi vam bolj priporočila serum, ki je v tem res odličen. 

Od tonerjev nimam velikih pričakovanj. Po navadi so tisti prvi naval vlage na kožo. Ta je poleg tega še precej osvežilen. Še posebej primeren za poletje. Občutek imam, da obnovi ph nivo in pripravi kožo na nadaljno nego. Nočna krema je čudovita. Koži daje zelo pomirjevalen občutek. Je lahka, ampak še vedno ima sloj mastnosti, ki ohranja kožo navlaženo in negovano. Deluje dobro na normalni ali mešani koži. Za suho kožo bi priporočala uporabo skupaj s serumom. Takrat dobite res zmagovalno kombinacijo. 

V primeru, da se odločite za nakup na njihovi strani, uporabite mojo kodo adjustingbeauty s katero boste prihranili 10% od svojega nakupa tukaj

Katja je prav tako ocenila nočno kremo tukaj. Lahko si preberete še njeno mnenje. 

*PR izdelek

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