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Homemade facial mask 101 - ~egg white mask~

This is the second installment of my homemade facial mask 101....

Are your facial pores too big & its makes you feel conscious all the time?
Do you sometimes feel like you're face is an oil-magnet?
Do you just want to perk your face but you ran out of your favorite mask?
Or you just feel that you wanted to 'lift' your face to tighten it...

....then look no more. Open your fridge, take out an egg then crack it up to make one of the easiest face mask ever!

This mask has been around & used ever since. It's been known to tighten the pores & absorb oil so this is a good 'perk up' to limp skin. We all have experienced the days where we feel our skin is at its worst...This would tighten the pores but makes the skin soft & smooth as well...

This is the first facial mask that i ever tried. It was my aunt that introduced this & has been a fan ever since. I was a bit wary of putting egg thinking that it will smell disgusting or gross; but as long as you use fresh eggs, it won't bother you.

Some people just use the Egg White, while some also use the Yolk.

You can use it plain or you can even add something on it too. When im feeling lazy, i just use it plain, but often times i put a drop or two of lemon/lime on it.

Lemon is a natural antiseptic so its good for pimples, its also good for the removal of blackheads & is used to whiten the skin.

Feel free to add other ingredients which has good benefits like honey, milk, yogurt, papaya, avocado, etc...its just up to your imagination...This is why homemade facial mask is fun!

This is how i do my egg mask:
  • Break an egg open
  • Separate the white from the yolk
  • Beat the egg to incorporate air on it
  • Add a drop or two of lemon/lime (im using a calamansi)
  • Then put it on your face....wait until it dries...15 mins at the most. You'll feel that it tightens as it dries. It's completely dry if you can't twitch or smile anymore. Then rinse it out.
Did you know that you can use this as a blackhead remover too?
simple...use some towelettes!

Dip the towelettes on the egg white then apply it on your face. Wait until it dries then remove it. It will take longer to dry, but its worth it.

Much as i would like to take pic of how it removed my blackheads, i can't, because my cam is not up to it..lol..just take my word for it! You can use it as a pore strip. Not just on your nose but on your whole face as well!

This is good especially for people who are having a hard time using a pore strip because of the shape of their nose...just like me... I have a button nose so its a bit hard for me to actually use a pore strip since there would always be some space underneath it...In this way, im able to 'mold' the towelette in any form i wanted so that it can follow the shape of my nose...yay!

This saved me a couple of bucks since i don't need to buy pore strip anymore! double yay!

In my case i use the Egg white since i have a super oily face...Egg Yolk as we know is considered to be the 'fatty' part (not the bad fat!) of the egg, therefore it is a natural moisturizer. So for people who have super dry skin but would still like to give your face an instant face lift you can just use egg yolk. Egg white i think is more suitable for oily skin.

Abby of Mia Picolli Piaceri even said that using the yolk as a mask will make the makeup adhere to the skin better therefore you won't need to use a primer...wow! sugoi!

Make sure you try this one!

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