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Victoria Beckham heads for her 6th cover...

I'm in two minds about buying the massive let down which has become British Vogue. I was so disgusted with their Xmas issue that I vowed never again. Until the Jan issue came out and there I was like Alexander Shulman's whore, paying for my copy.
(and a packet of marlboros and a diet coke - let it never be said I don't conform to the stereotype)
So when I saw Victoria Beckham on the cover of Vogue again (her 6th) I had to ask myself - do I really care????
I am fed up of it. ELLE is where it's at. In fact I'm getting all excited, the new ELLE SS11 guide should be out soon. It's that time of the year where I cast aside the silly mistakes of my youth (last season) and question my morals (and my dress size) and get excited about the choices of my future (next season) and ask myself the eternal question,
Do I really need that????

(the answer is usually yes)

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