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Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop [Review]

Oh yes, it seems only fitting that we should take a look at Miley Cyrus' new song AND music video for 'We Can't Stop.' If you haven't been living under a rock recently, you will have probably have heard that Miley Cyrus aka Smiley Miley aka Hannah Montana aka whatever else you can think of, has a new song and a lovely new music video to go with it - she also has a new look, incase you haven't noticed. I'm all for people expressing themselves in whatever way they want, for as Miley points out in her new song, she can pretty much do whatever the hell she wants. Now, in my opinion, I don't necessarily have a 'problem' with her song per say, the lyrics are a bit hit and miss at times, but the track is smooth and the beat is relatively catchy, and it's certainly different. There are some lyrics which are fairly questionable morally 'trying to get a line in the bathroom', 'shaking it like we at a strip club' obviously reference drug use and the like, however, the rest of the actual song is pretty tame in terms of explicit language. So, it would seem Ms Cyrus has come up with a fairly (what is in my opinion a rather pop-esque track) well rounded song which can be a bit infectious. It is clear she is trying to shy away from her clean-cut image and this can often be a hard and challenging time for young singers, so I say that's her business and she can do what she wants to in regards to that. However, the music video is a whole another world of weird. Incase you haven't seen it, here it is. 


So. I'll just give you a moment to collect your thoughts. Right, we've all got it? She's clearly going for a more edgy, grown up image, but for me it just doesn't seem genuine enough. I feel as if this could come off as a bit much for her fans to have to adjust to such a massive change. I'm sure the music video will please some who will praise her for being edgy, taking a risk and being purposefully provocative in terms of her sexuality and the conceptual idea of the video. On the other hand, I'm sure there will be people who will thinks she has gone a bit over the top (to put it nicely, as the internet is a cruel, cruel place) and maybe they feel like they can't relate to her anymore. The video is almost like a parody, (in fact I have a link to a rather hilarious parody incase you wish to see what people are making of this) and contains rather high levels of product placements, people chopping off fake fingers while pink fluids spill everywhere, french fry skeletons and of course, booty shaking. Oh, and its very sexual. We're talking humping, people wrestling and lots of Miley butt in your face. 

The choice of attire for this piece is Miley's pyjamas, I mean, er, white crop top and white leggings. For some reason as soon as I saw this I instantly thought of a quote from the movie 'Never Been Kissed (1999) where Gibby says something along the lines of how people shouldn't wear white pants after 1983 (if you haven't seen the film, I would recommend it). But anyway, back to the video. Personally, I felt a bit let down from the video after hearing the song, I was expecting something relevant and interesting. What I got was what can only be described as some sort of budget Gaga, with certain things thrown in for pure shock value (two tongue guy, lip art lady, Taxidermist Miley etc) without any actual thought put behind it, although if anyone has any possible reasoning or ideas about these, I'd love to hear about it. All in all, I think you could describe the video as an explosion of random thoughts and ideas added to what is, not a bad song, but its so jumbled together I had troubled deciding what I'd just watched. I'm far from a prude, but I felt a bit uncomfortable watching Miley gyrating all over my screen, maybe because it's so different and out there from her, but then again that's just an opinion. I'm aware this video is clearly meant to provoke thought and talk, to shock and promote discussion which ultimately garners more money for Cyrus if more people watch her video, whether they like it or not. So I suppose its a clever ploy in a way. Although leave the beats from Dr. Dre and your eon lip balms at home Miley, no one needs shameless product placement. Oh and please lose the fake golden teeth? It looks tacky on both genders in my opinion, you're better than that Miley. 

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