I don't normally use my blog for political means.
I prefer to keep my thoughts and feelings very separate from my fantasy world of fashion and beauty. However there are occasionally causes that are close to my heart. I used this blog to ask you to vote for gay marriage to be legalised in Ireland as I am a former campaigner for gay marriage. I have also spoken about removing the cruelty to animals in cosmetics on here before.
I also believe very strongly in abortion being made legal and safe for Irish women.
I'm a feminist and I have stated this on here before. I believe that Ireland has a long history of abusing and mistreating women especially pregnant women. Sometimes I am ashamed of how my country treats women.
When I first came to the UK and I had to talk about the abortion and sexual healthcare for women back home, I was horrified at how it was. This was around the time that Savita died in a hospital in Ireland after being refused medical care that would have saved her life because she was pregnant.
Irish law protects the mistreatment of women.
We need to repeal the 8th now.
I was lucky enough to work with a team that understand this and I produced an article released this week.
Please read it and get involved with changing the way that women are treated in Ireland.
If nothing else changes your mind then maybe this will.
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